BEHIND THE MADNESS 'You wanna age faster?, go ahead and sleep in some makeup', was my grandmothers words of wisdom, when she used to fore warn me of makeup's costly side effects if not removed at the ending wear point. Have you ever slept in makeup then wonder why one or two days later you find that a  comedome (pimples) or two have shown up and ruined your day?. Firstly makeup gets into your pores regardless, its inevitable, so without the proper removal of makeup every night, what your body does is it reacts to this foreign substance (makeup) invading its space and It eventually tries to push the impurities out, forming pimples, It can also age you because if your pores don't get the proper cleansing, and availability to oxygen (skin needs to breathe) it can result in lines and wrinkles forming.

How to prevent the madness In order to prevent makeups nasty side effects such as aging and pimples, remove it EVERY NIGHT. I know, I know sometimes you get in the house too late, whether its due to work or a night out partying with friends, and it just seems like a task that you are not up to doing. Well a faster way to remove makeup would be to invest in makeup removal cloths,they are a great and fast way to go about it. In addition to that, a great way to ensure that your pores are really clean, is to invest in a facial cleanser that is specifically formulated to cleanse the pores, and use it after the makeup removal cloths. This nightly routine is guaranteed to help fight the madness! and produce flawless skin. Also a sure way to help with your skin care routine is to drink lots of WATER!