That is the Is it necessary to follow the latest trends in fashion and makeup? Being that there are 4 seasons in a year and with every season comes change in the weather and the perception of what is 'in' and whats 'not' is Exhausting to the average person. I myself feel that it is YOUR choice. Do i think its necessary? NO. Do i think its fun, and do I do it? YES. The whole process to me is exciting to see what is gonna be in this seasons trends and who will follow them. Which celebs will also trail along in the trending line. To me its different opportunities to change up your look and venture out of the boring 'everyday' look and into fun more modern ones. Some people get the misconception that trending is just "following" what everyone else is doing. It is, but it isn't. There are ways to tweak and twist a look and make it yours, and would highly suggest a person to do so because, what looks good on another person may not look good on you. Its just an overall pleasant experience, and would highly recommend!