My love for lashes are extremely intense. I love the way they look! I love the variety of them! You can wear lashes to make them look as natural as your own, to as Dramatic as you want! I love all kinds i do not discriminate. Lashes to me are the finishing touch to any look!. Don't get me wrong I don't wear them everyday, I also love my natural lashes, but false lashes are that special occasion, or that added 'something' on an ordinary day. They are flirty, they can be sexy, fun, or sophisticated. Any combination or looks can be achieved with falsies. My favorite are dramatic lashes of course, anything long, full, and glamorous looking i absolutely adore. I mean my motto is ' go big, or go home'. Individuals or strip lashes will make my day! I love individuals for a more natural look, they are awesome for everyday wear. And strip lashes are what i would consider my club or photo shoot lashes. I do mix this up don't get me wrong, i will just wake up one ordinary day not doing anything special and just say, hey i feel like wearing strip lashes today, or i want to experiment with a look. There is so much you can do, and so much that has been done with lashes! And once i found out how to apply them there was no stopping me. If you have yet to try them, make sure you do! 

 WARNING: Make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients in eyelash glues, or it could result in serious allergic reactions. Some glues contain LATEX.